Parenthood Gifts:  Gifts to appreciate parenthood
best price & best quality with own factory

Baby Bottle Warmer Bag
a MUST HAVE for all new parents.  No more worry Milk getting cold when outdoor.  also available double bottle warmer bag.

Customised Children Backpack fr $8
a memorable gifts for the children to carry their own personal items when outdoor.  we can customised to your requirements with company name and logo.

Baby Diaper Bag - a great gift for to-be dad or mum

we can customised to your requirements with company name and logo.

Children Bath Towel or warm cloth from $10***

a great memorable gift for children from 1-8 years old.  as bath towel and also for cold places such as in aeroplane or air condition places.

PA-Parenthood customised children backpack
a great gift that kid will never forget.  every kid is in need of a backpack sooner or later.   We customised to any children size and etc.

Baby Parenthood Gifts

Personalised Baby Bib with children name
a great momento for parent and children.  encourage more parenthood with nice gifts.  we can customised to your requirements and sizes. 

Customised Children Backpack
with 2 zip pockets infront and 2 sides expandable water bottle pockets.  2 sizes available big or small.  we can customised to your sizes and requirements.

***PA parenthood is the trademark of The People's Association - The Embracing PArenthood Movement (EPM) is a community-led initiative organised by PA to celebrate the birth of Singaporean newborns and build strong communities of support for young families.